(continued from Itinerary Segments Screen)

Contacts Screen

On entry, this screen will display the contacts which have been set up against the supplier.

Screen Shot 37: Add New Option Wizard – Supplier Contacts Screen

The contacts which show an ‘S’ in the ‘Source’ column are Supplier Contacts which were added in the Supplier Contacts screen and are display only – they cannot be edited here. Any changes to ‘S’ source contacts must be made against the supplier.

This screen has Insert Contact and Delete Contact buttons which allow Service specific contact(s).to be entered This need can occur if the Supplier is a generic one - (e.g. Intercontinental Hotels Group) and the contact details set up against the supplier relate to that generic supplier only. If the service being set up relates to a specific Intercontinental hotel, then the Contact details for the property can be entered here.

To insert, click the ‘Insert Contact’ button and insert the contact details. This is the same procedure as setting up Supplier Contacts. When Service specific contacts are added, they will show an ‘O’ (Option) in the Source column.


To continue setting up the Service, click the ‘Forward’ button on the Wizard bar. This will display the Message Defaults Screen.


To cancel setting up the Service click the ‘Exit’ button on the Wizard bar.


If any item on previous screens needs correcting, use the ‘Back’ button on the Wizard bar

(continued in Message Defaults)